The mission of the Department is to provide educational programs and pursue research activities in the areas of operations, information and decision- making in a wide variety of different settings. Building on a solid foundation from well-established theories in the management science and social science areas, the faculty is undertaking both fundamental research and research that applies analytic and empirical studies to a set of important problems facing the private and public sectors. These include E-business, supply chain management, production planning and scheduling, product development, decision support systems, information-based strategy, systems development and implementation, and risk and environmental management. On the teaching side, the Department has a range of courses at the Undergraduate, MBA and Ph.D. levels in the area of operations management (OM), information strategy, systems and economics (ISSE), information and decision technologies and management science (IDT) and decision processes (DP). The faculty utilizes its expertise in applying theory to challenges facing the business community by highlighting concepts through case studies as well as other industrial and governmental partners. Three Research Centers closely aligned with the OPIM Department provide opportunities for students to engage in field research.
Operations, Information and Decisions Department
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
3730 Walnut Street
500 Jon M. Huntsman Hall
Phone:(215) 898-5872
Fax: (215) 898-3664