The Decision Processes track establishes rigorous scientific foundations for describing, predicting, and improving the processes through which individuals and groups collect data and information, form judgments and make decisions. The program examines descriptive theories and empirical research on human behavior that identify systematic biases in judgment and heuristics or rules of thumb that individuals and groups use to cope with complex decision making and negotiations environments. It also examines ways that individuals and groups can make better decisions given their biases and information processing limitations.
NOTE: All OID courses were listed as OPIM until Spring 2016.
The DP track includes OIDD 1010 (unless exempt), two foundation courses and two electives.
Foundation courses
OIDD 2900 Decision Processes
OIDD 2910 Negotiations
Electives (must add up to 2 CU)
OIDD 2000 Grit Lab
OIDD 2610 Risk Analysis and Environmental Management
OIDD 2920 Advanced Negotiation
OIDD 2990 Judgment and Decision Making Research Immersion (can only be taken once – either 0.5 or 1 CU)
OIDD 3190 Agents, Games and Evolution
OIDD 3210 Management Science
OIDD 4690 Advanced Topics in Information Strategy and Economics
**OIDD 4900/PSYC 4900 Science of Behavior Change
BEPP 2840 Game Theory for Business and Life
***FNCE 2390/4030 Behavioral Finance
MGMT 2380 Organizational Behavior
MKTG 2110 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 2370 Introduction to Brain Science for Business
MKTG 2660 Marketing for Social Impact
MKTG 2380 Consumer Neuroscience
MKTG 3500 Special Topics: Consumer Neuroscience
PSYC 2737/PPE 153 Judgment and Decisions
PSYC 2650 Behavioral Economics in Psychology
*OIDD 2200 will be counted as elective only if taken in academic years prior to 2020/2021. Current students in this track may reach out to the OID Advisors to discuss their options regarding this change.
**OIDD/PSYC 4900 is not currently scheduled to be offered in the near future.
***If FNCE 4030 (1 CU) is taken to fulfill the capstone course requirement worth 0.5 cu, the remaining 0.5 cu can count towards the concentration.
OID Undergraduate Concentration Advisor:
Maria Rieders — 517 JMHH — 215-898-0535
For more information, please email