The design, production and distribution of goods and services are the core activities around which all firms and economies are built. The department offers a series of courses that allow students to build a fundamental understanding of the tradeoffs to consider when managing the development of products and services, as well as the operations used to produce them and fulfill customer requirements.
The need to effectively manage the production of goods and services has also sparked the development of a number of useful mathematical tools. Besides their direct application to operational problems, these management science techniques have been broadly applied to a wide variety of other economic activities, from the pricing of financial instruments to decisions concerning markdown policies in retailing.
The OID Department’s Operations Management / Management Science track addresses central issues necessary to understand production and service operations in today’s global economy. This program provides a rigorous foundation for immediate careers in consulting and analytic strategy support for companies, as well as preparation for future graduate studies in economics and business.
NOTE: All OIDD courses were listed as OPIM until Spring 2016.
The OM/MS track includes OIDD 1010 (unless exempt), one foundation course and three electives.
Foundation Course
OIDD 2200 Introduction to Operations Management
OIDD 2210 Optimization and Analytics (formerly OIDD 3210)
Electives (3 CUs required)
OIDD 2200 Operations Management Analytics
OIDD 2210 Optimization and Analytics (formerly OIDD 3210)
OIDD 2240 Analytics for Service Operations
OIDD 2360 Scaling Technology Ventures: Aligning Operations with Strategy
OIDD 3530 Mathematical Modeling and its Application in Finance
OIDD 3800 Operations Strategy Practicum
OIDD 4150 Product Design
OIDD 6970 Retail Supply Chain Management (formerly OIDD 3970)
Other courses, within the OID and Electrical and Systems Engineering Departments, which fit with the student’s program of study may be substituted for one of the electives, with permission.
Possible alternatives include:
OIDD 2900 Decision Processes
OIDD 2100 Management Information Systems
OIDD 3990 Independent Study
ESE 2100 Introduction to Dynamic Systems
ESE 2500 Logistic, Manufacturing, and Transportation Systems
ESE 3030 Stochastic Systems Analysis and Simulation
ESE 3040 Optimization Techniques
ESE 4440 Project Management
ESE 5010 Multicriteria Decision Making.
OID Undergraduate Concentration Advisor:
Maria Rieders — 517 JMHH — 215-898-0535
For more information, please email