Seminar Time & Location Information
Time and Location: 12:00PM – 1:20PM
Jon M Huntsman Hall (JMHH)
3730 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Suite 540/541 JMHH (unless otherwise noted)
To schedule a meeting with a speaker, contact:
Seminars 2024-2025
Fall 2024
Friday, September 6, 2024
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Emma Brunskill – Stanford University
Title: Accelerating Science and Data-Driven Decisions Making in Noisy Worlds
Data-driven decision making has the potential to have enormous societal benefit, in areas that span from education to healthcare. However, experimentation and online reinforcement learning is often vastly more challenging and costly than in some other applications. I will discuss our lab’s work on strategic data collection and use for multi-armed bandits and reinforcement learning, highlighting applications to healthcare and education.
Emma Brunskill is an associate tenured professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University where she and her lab aim to create AI systems that learn from few samples to robustly make good decisions. Their work spans algorithmic and theoretical advances to experiments, inspired and motivated by the positive impact AI might have in education and healthcare. Brunskill’s lab is part of the Stanford AI Lab, the Stanford Statistical ML group, and AI Safety @Stanford. Brunskill has received a NSF CAREER award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, a Microsoft Faculty Fellow award, an alumni impact award from the computer science and engineering department at the University of Washington, and was recently highlighted for her work at the 20th anniversary of the formation of the joint computer science and AI lab at MIT. Brunskill and her lab have received 9 best paper nominations and awards both for their AI and machine learning work and for their work in ADI for education
Friday, September 13, 2024
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Xueming Luo – Temple University
Title: AI/ML Multimodal Methods for Video Data Analytics: An Application of Measuring Trustworthiness of Microenterprises
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Dan Russo – Columbia Business School
Title: Optimizing Audio Recommendations for the Long Term: A Reinforcement Learning Perspective
We present a novel podcast recommender system deployed at industrial scale. This system successfully optimizes personal listening journeys that unfold over months for hundreds of millions of listeners. In deviating from the pervasive industry practice of optimizing machine learning algorithms for short-term proxy metrics, the system substantially improves long-term performance in A/B tests. The paper offers insights into how our methods cope with attribution, coordination, and measurement challenges that usually hinder such long-term optimization. To contextualize these practical insights within a broader academic framework, we turn to reinforcement learning (RL). Using the language of RL, we formulate a comprehensive model of users’ recurring relationships with a recommender system. Then, within this model, we identify our approach as a policy improvement update to a component of the existing recommender system, enhanced by tailored modeling of value functions and user-state representations. Illustrative offline experiments suggest this specialized modeling reduces data requirements by as much as a factor of 120,000 compared to black-box approaches.
Time permitting, I will also discuss a novel exploration problem that arises from this work, in which one is tasked with quickly evaluating new pieces of content even though the true (long-term) reward metric takes months to realize.
*This talk is based on joint work with Lucas Maystre and Yu Zhao, from Spotify.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Qiuping Yu – Georgetown University
Title: On Worker Scheduling Fairness: Evidence from an American Restaurant Chain
While labor market inequality research has extensively explored racial and gender disparities in hiring, wages, benefits, and promotions, the inequality in the temporal quality of work schedules has largely been overlooked, despite its significant economic and social consequences for workers. Using large and granular shift data from an American casual dining chain, we examine racial and gender disparities in scheduling quality across two key dimensions: (1) sufficiency, which assesses the number of hours workers receive, and (2) predictability, which examines the frequency of last-minute shift changes. We address two main questions: (1) Are there gender and racial disparities in scheduling quality, and if so, what are they? (2) What mechanisms drive these disparities? Our findings reveal that women are initially scheduled for up to 11.7% fewer hours than men but experience more frequent additions after accounting for employment status, experience, and skill levels. We also show that alternative explanations, such as women’s lower availability, preference for flexibility, and reliability, either do not hold true or only explain a small portion of the observed disparities. Thus, we provide compelling evidence for the presence of managerial bias in scheduling decisions. By leveraging detailed field data, analyzing multiple dimensions of schedule quality, and systematically examining alternative mechanisms, we deepen the understanding of the drivers behind the gender disparities in schedule quality and offer important managerial implications for addressing these issues.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Pengyi Shi – Perdue University
Title: Breaking the Revolving Doors: Combining Machine Learning and Queueing Theory for Incarceration Diversion Programs
Recidivism, where formerly incarcerated individuals reoffend, is a significant challenge in the U.S. criminal justice system with an over 50% reoffending rate. Incarceration diversion programs aim to break this revolving door by focusing on rehabilitation rather than incarceration. Machine learning (ML) algorithms assist in admission decisions to these programs by assigning recidivism risk scores to potential participants, helping to balance the program benefits against the risk of in-program reoffense. However, ML risk estimation can be imperfect and biased, leading to potentially suboptimal and unfair admission decisions. We formulate an admission control problem using a queueing model with heterogeneous classes and covariate-based risk estimation. Our model accounts for in-service reneging, where participants may reoffend before completing the program. We derive a priority score policy from a static control problem, analyze the performance of this priority policy under imperfect estimation, and propose conditions for its optimality. Additionally, we leverage Markov Decision Processes to develop dynamic decision support. If time permits, I will also discuss some ongoing work that leverages generative AI models to assist in identifying individuals at risk and our engagement with community partners to deploy the decision support tools. This talk is based on joint work with Xiaoquan Gao, Bingxuan Li from Purdue University, and Zhiqiang Zhang, Amy Ward from the University of Chicago.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Alp Sungu – The Wharton School
Title: Generative AI Can Harm Learning
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize how humans work, and has already demonstrated promise in significantly improving human productivity. However, a key remaining question is how generative AI affects learning, namely, how humans acquire new skills as they perform tasks. This kind of skill learning is critical to long-term productivity gains, especially in domains where generative AI is fallible and human experts must check its outputs. We study the impact of generative AI, specifically OpenAI’s GPT-4, on human learning in the context of math classes at a high school. In a field experiment involving nearly a thousand students, we have deployed and evaluated two GPT based tutors, one that mimics a standard ChatGPT interface (called GPT Base) and one with prompts designed to safeguard learning (called GPT Tutor). These tutors comprise about 15% of the curriculum in each of three grades. Consistent with prior work, our results show that access to GPT-4 significantly improves performance (48% improvement for GPT Base and 127% for GPT Tutor). However, we additionally find that when access is subsequently taken away, students actually perform worse than those who never had access (17% reduction for GPT Base). That is, access to GPT-4 can harm educational outcomes. These negative learning effects are largely mitigated by the safeguards included in GPT Tutor. Our results suggest that students attempt to use GPT-4 as a “crutch” during practice problem sessions, and when successful, perform worse on their own. Thus, to maintain long-term productivity, we must be cautious when deploying generative AI to ensure humans continue to learn critical skills.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Kyunghyun Cho – New York University
Title: Learning to X
In the first part of this talk, I will talk about the idea of meta-learning by going over a few representative earlier studies, including neural processes, learned optimizers, hyperparameter tuning and in-context learning, in order to motivate audience to think of neural net learning from a broader perspective. I will then talk about how this perspective allows us to think of neural net learning as a way to learn an algorithm, enabling us to arrive at algorithms we could not have ourselves. In the second part of my talk, I will describe two ongoing studies on causal discovery and causal inference.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Philip Afeche – University of Toronto
Title: Ride-Hailing Networks with Strategic Drivers: The Effects of Driver Wage Policies and Network Characteristics on Performance
Ride-hailing platforms face two important challenges: (i) there are significant spatial demand imbalances that require some repositioning (empty routing) of drivers; (ii) the control of driver supply is partially decentralized in that drivers strategically decide whether to join the network, and if so, whether and where to reposition when not serving riders.
We study the following question for such ride-hailing networks: Under decentralized repositioning, how effective are driver wage policies in achieving the optimal centralized performance benchmark?
We consider a stationary fluid model of a ride-hailing network in a game-theoretic framework with riders, drivers, and the platform. We show how the effectiveness of driver wage policies under decentralized repositioning depends on the interplay of the network’s spatial (travel time) configuration, driver wage flexibility, and the congestion-sensitivity of travel times: (1) We identify conditions on the travel times for the existence of a driver repositioning equilibrium. (2) For networks with constant travel times, we show that the centrally optimal repositioning flows can be implemented under decentralized repositioning, provided the platform has sufficient wage flexibility, whereas more limited wage flexibility leads to inefficiencies in terms of driver idling. (3) For networks with congestion-sensitive travel times, the centrally optimal repositioning flows can generally not be implemented under decentralized repositioning, even with full wage flexibility, so that decentralized repositioning leads to higher congestion, capacity levels, and driver wage rates compared to centralized repositioning.
(Joint work with Andre Cire and Uta Mohring.)
Spring 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Lauren Lu – Dartmouth
Title: Generative AI in Action: Field Experimental Evidence on Worker Performance in E-Commerce Customer Service Operations
In collaboration with Alibaba, this study leverages a large-scale field experiment to quantify the impact of a generative AI (gen AI) assistant on worker performance in an e-commerce after-sales service setting, where human agents provide customer support through digital chat. Agents were randomly assigned to either a control or treatment group, with the latter having access to a gen AI assistant that offers two automated functions as text messages: 1) diagnosis of customer order issues in real time and 2) solution suggestions. Agents exhibited varied gen AI usage behavior, choosing to use, modify, or disregard AI suggested messages. We employ two empirical approaches: 1) an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis to estimate the average treatment effect of gen AI access, and 2) a local average treatment effect (LATE) analysis to estimate the causal impact of gen AI usage. Results show that the gen AI assistant significantly enhanced both service speed and service quality. Interestingly, gen AI automation did not lead agents to reduce effort; rather, it increased their engagement, evidenced by a higher message volume and agent-to-customer message ratio. Analysis by agents’ pretreatment performance reveals that low performers experienced greater improvements in speed and quality, narrowing the performance gap, while high performers saw a decline in service quality, likely because gen AI suggestions fell below their expertise. These findings underscore the potential of gen AI to improve operational efficiency and service quality while highlighting the need for tailored deployment strategies to support workers with varying skill levels.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Serdar Simsek – UT Dallas
Title: Variety and Inventory Trade-off in Retail: Unpacking the Role of Inventory Concentration
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Fernanda Bravo – UCLA
Title: Closer to Home: An Estimate-then-Optimize Approach to Improve Access to Healthcare Services
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Dennis Zhang – Washington University
Title: Deep-Learning-Based Causal Inference for Large-Scale Combinatorial Experiments: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Large-scale online platforms launch hundreds of randomized experiments (a.k.a. A/B tests) every day to iterate their operations and marketing strategies. The combinations of these treatments are typically not exhaustively tested, which triggers an important question of both academic and practical interest: Without observing the outcomes of all treatment combinations, how does one estimate the causal effect of any treatment combination and identify the optimal treatment combination? We develop a novel framework combining deep learning and doubly robust estimation to estimate the causal effect of any treatment combination for each user on the platform when observing only a small subset of treatment combinations. Our proposed framework (called debiased deep learning, DeDL) exploits Neyman orthogonality and combines interpretable and flexible structural layers in deep learning. We show theoretically that this framework yields efficient, consistent, and asymptotically normal estimators under mild assumptions, thus allowing for identifying the best treatment combination when observing only a few combinations. To empirically validate our method, we collaborated with a large-scale video-sharing platform and implemented our framework for three experiments involving three treatments where each combination of treatments is tested. When observing only a subset of treatment combinations, our DeDL approach significantly outperforms other benchmarks to accurately estimate and infer the average treatment effect of any treatment combination, and to identify the optimal treatment combination.
Friday, February 28, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Emma Pierson – Stanford University
Title: Using Machine Learning to Increase Equity in Healthcare and Public Health
Our society remains profoundly unequal. This talk discusses how data science and machine learning can be used to combat inequality in health care and public health by presenting several vignettes from policing and other domains.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Amrita Kundu – Georgetown University
Title: Middlemen in an Informal Circular Economy for Durable Goods
Friday, March 7, 2025
Seminar held in JMHH 540
Presenter: Leon Musolff – The Wharton School
Title: The Effects of Generative AI on High-Skilled Work: Evidence from Three Field Experiments with Software Developers
This study evaluates the impact of generative AI on software developer productivity via randomized controlled trials at Microsoft, Accenture, and an anonymous
Fortune 100 company. These field experiments, run by the companies as part of their ordinary course of business, provided a random subset of developers with access to
an AI-based coding assistant suggesting intelligent code completions. Though each experiment is noisy, when data is combined across three experiments and 4,867 developers, our analysis reveals a 26.08% increase (SE: 10.3%) in completed tasks among developers using the AI tool. Notably, less experienced developers had higher adoption rates and greater productivity gains.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Will Ma – Columbia Business School
Title: Model-based vs. Model-free Online Decision-making for Optimal Stopping, Pricing, and Inventory
Buoyed by advances in computation and AI, businesses have growing interest in adopting black-box algorithms for decision-making. Motivated particularly by Reinforcement Learning (RL) at an industry partner, we compare model-based to model-free approaches on several stochastic optimization problems over time. Here we define “model-based” to construct independent distributions over time and solve dynamic programming, and “model-free” to optimize over historical trajectories in a black-box fashion.
We provide a rigorous theoretical comparison, in a finite-horizon RL setting with offline trajectories that allows perfect hindsight evaluation. We derive surprising horizon-independence results for PAC-learning, which exploit the problem-specific structure of the Inventory Replenishment and Optimal Stopping problems. Perhaps more surprisingly, this requires different approaches for different problems: model-free for Inventory, and model-based for Stopping. Meanwhile, we show that a horizon-independent learning guarantee is impossible for the Pricing problem.
These theoretical findings are consistent with observations in simulations, and explanatory of successes/failures in deploying model-free RL at our industry partner. The takeaway is that businesses should not adopt a one-size-fits-all verdict on whether to deploy black-box algorithms, as they are relatively advantaged for some problems but not others.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Sasa Zorc – University of Virginia
Title: Designing Payment Models for the Poor
Several basic services, such as energy, clean water and cooking gas, are currently out of reach for millions of people living in poverty. There has been an emergence of private firms that offer these services by, for example, selling solar home systems or clean cooking packages with remote lockout capabilities. These firms deploy a pay-as-you-go (PAYGo) model in which consumers are given the flexibility to manage the amount and frequency of their payments based on their own erratic cash flows. However, because a firm under this model cannot observe how much money the consumers have, they can pay less to the firm and turn their income to other needs.
We employ an optimal contracting approach to investigate the incentives that can mitigate such misuse of payment flexibility. The optimal contract summarizes a consumer’s payment history with a single score, which we call the v-score. The contract allows the consumer to flexibly pay small (resp., large) amount when her disposable income is low (resp., high), and accordingly adjusts the v-score to incentivize payments. The v-score over time rises with relatively high payments and drops with relatively low payments. The v-score also determines the level of technology access granted to the consumer and whether the contract is terminated or continued. The contract proposes an inclusive downpayment scheme that allows consumers to purchase their initial v-score. We discuss how the optimal contract can be implemented in the field and how it can solve some of the practical problems currently faced by the PAYGo firms.
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Renata Gaineddenova – Harvard Business School
Title: Forthcoming
Tuesday, April 4, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Angela Zhou – University of Southern California
Title: Forthcoming
Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Ozan Candogan – Chicago Booth
Title: Forthcoming
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Mohsen Bayati – Stanford University
Title: Forthcoming
Friday, April 25, 2025
Seminar in JMHH 540
Presenter: Rem Koning – Harvard Business School
Title: Forthcoming
October 17-18, 2024
Since 2006, the Workshop for Empirical Research in Operations Management brings together a community of scholars with a passion for empirical research in Operations. The purpose of the Workshop is to exchange research ideas, share experiences in the publication process, discuss methodological issues, and grow together as a group of colleagues with a common research interest.