Wharton Stories: Driving Insights

“One of the things I love most about entertainment is when there’s a problem, you can figure it out, make something, or get around it.”

Media & Entertainment Industry Alums Share Creative Solutions to COVID Disruption

“Coming together as a community, in solidarity and in number, seemed a natural part of the healing process.”

Undergrads Discuss Asian Identity and Biases at Community Forum

Executive Director of Wharton Graduate Admissions, Blair Mannix, debunks 10 of the most common misconceptions about the application and the full-time MBA Program.

10 Myths About Wharton’s MBA Program — Debunked

Wharton Prof. Gad Allon discusses how new platforms like Uber affect the behavior of gig economy workers at the 2019 London Global Wharton Forum.

What Motivates Workers in the Gig Economy?

“What better way to bond than having an adventure together,” said Ryan Morely, WG’21, whose highlight of the trip was summiting Windom Peak with his classmates Eric Peterson, WG’21 and Dan Simon, WG’21.

How a 14,000-Foot Hike Became a Valuable Learning Experience

Prof. Mauro Guillen shared his findings on the effects different governments have on GDP per capita at the 2019 London Wharton Global Forum.

Does It Pay to Have a Monarchy? The Answer Might Surprise You

Wharton Prof. Lori Rosenkopf argues that we’re not benefitting from “shorter network paths” created by social media, and offers two solutions to activate them.

Social Networks Have Made the World Smaller — But Not Simpler

Retailers today are battling for customers who are increasingly picky about their shopping experience. At the 2019 Wharton Women Annual Dinner, the SVP for Walmart Fashion and Wharton alum shared her 3 strategies for successful brand expansion.

Wharton Women Learn How Denise Incandela Transformed Fashion at Walmart

During his keynote for the 2019 WCAI Conference, Chief Data & Analytics Officer A. Charles Thomas mapped out the evolution of analytics as he’s seen it in the last 20 years of his career.

General Motors’ A. Charles Thomas: Lessons Learned from a CDAO’s Journey from the Back Office to the C-Suite

Vibhav Jagwani, W’20, E’20, shares his summer internship experience at a startup and how the M&T curriculum helped him prepare.

What This Undergrad Learned About Mortgage Tech While Interning for a Blockchain Startup